This serves as a simple metaphor for me as I continue on my way in an attempt to build a Future. It seems quite apparent to me that this Transaction of the last 30 years, this economic growth spurt which looks like nothing less than a money grab by a small segment of society inspired and abetted by the Reagan/Thatcher/Friedman schools of conceptual thinking, has failed. A number of tables are now corrupt: the economic table, the energy table, the climate table, the social equality and justice table.
In the database world, this realization would require a Rollback, but instead I read that the G20 is executing a Commit !! They are committing to business as usual, attempting to stimulate the economies to new growth, new plunder while fleecing the taxpaying masses of money to reward the very people who created this untenable transaction, which oftentimes is themselves.
Unfortunately, this Commit is doomed to achieve exactly what a Commit of corrupted data would achieve in any software system. The system will demostrate bugs, report bad data, and in worst cases, crash. The geological realities of energy make this path a fools party, and I expect it to create a Head Fake - the economy appearing to recover in preparation for a much sharper decline. The physics of available oil seems to indicate that this is what will transpire over the next 5-10 years:
Rollback. It is time to Rollback the current transaction and return to the practices and lifestyles (the datasets) that worked so well for tens of thousands of years. Time for us to wake up to this ridiculous manner of living, one that was only possible in the last 100 years thanks to the oil bonus, and begin now to restore our lives, restore our communities, and restore our natural surroundings from the horrific damage created by the ethos of unbridled capitalist economics.
A Rollback looks like localization. It looks like self reliance. It looks like dynamic Freedom, like Attitude in the face of aristocratic arrogance, like dancing. It looks like baked pies, suburban gardens, community interactions, re-use of the already manufactured things, reducing the store bought, and learning how to actually DO something.
If I want destructive capitalism to disappear, it seems quite easy. Stop buying their stuff. Stop giving them my money, and rely more on my skill and knowledge, and abundant Nature, to provide the life I want. Rely more on my neighbors than the corporations, rely more on myself than on my government, and rely entirely on the natural laws from which there is no escape.
Rollback, and retain some integrity of Life. Rollback, and make more time for dancing, and less time for slavery to the greed of the elites. Rollback, and discover your Freedom.