Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Genocide in Progress

While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,ethnicalracial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

In my random musings, I have thought that what we are about here, in 2009, with our Globalized Industrial economy, is a Genocide against the national and ethnical groups of humans who will be living in 2150.  Our weapons of choice will be climate change and the greed that now consumes ALL of the possible fossil fuel on the planet, leaving them nothing, basically bringing about physical destruction in whole or in part  of the poor people born towards the end of this century.  

And we go about it with zeal!  Our biggest concern is how to "save"  our economy, how to achieve "growth"  in this already rapacious commercial  orgy we are all trapped in.   If I look at the market, look at the economic news, I see a world population suffering the greed of the elites, and worried about what this means for their job, their few pieces of copper shyte that gets taxed away from them anyway.   

When I tilt my head a bit,  and look at what all this economic activity means to the natural foundations of this planet, what it bodes for the very near future and the upcoming generations, I see a genocide in progress.  I imagine how they will despise us, curse us, for our blindness and selfishness.   I imagine memorials erected in the Northern reaches, to all those who failed to escape the drought ridden hot zones of the planet, victims of the Boomers right to an American Way of Life  that is, and never was, a sustainable enterprise.  I imagine the sadness they will feel of watching a planet in ruin, a climate system run amock, an environment of violent changes that their own flesh and blood created just for them.  

I think about how 250 years ago, some clever people tried to create a new country,  after executing another genocide on the native population, and how that history of America does not seem so distant.  The ideas are still approachable, I can visit the homes of some of these people, see the Liberty Bell, walk the streets where the Declaration was signed, all of it still there in Philadelphia.  

 The results of the future genocide are much closer in time, a mere 90 years away.  Now, instead of good Germans, we are good Americans, I suppose.   Either way,  genocide is genocide, and we are commiting that NOW against the next generation of humans on this planet.  The sickness and evil of National Socialism inflicted a genocide of millions on the European population.   The sickness and evil of Capitalism will make that look like a minor turf war, as we inflict a genocide of billions on the next generation.  

End the Genocide!!  

I live the future by reducing, reusing, and backing away from the great commercial machines of genocide. I try to keep my meager pay, and learn to make what I need, grow what I need,  and discover my local place.  It is a struggle of change, as I am a sheep, lulled into thinking that the commercial markets provide all, that the corporations own all, and that government has my best interests at heart.  No surprise at that, as commerce spends billions just to create that message for me.     

I wake up and crawl towards the exit of this commercial insanity.  Come on, lets find some squirrels. 

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