Monday, February 16, 2009

Bullets or Beans

It seems that a typical reaction of most middle class men to the idea of societal collapse from peak oil and climate change is an immediate move to "survivalist" requirements.   The thought that many bullets will ensure security, and that they will be one of the survivors thanks to their mighty arsenal, has come up a few times in my conversations with people.  Also implied in their advice is  that my efforts are pointless because the gangs will come and rip out my gardens and take my solar panels.  Well, they might!  Or maybe they just move in, and end up being a security force.   

For example, here is a kind suggestion from a reader:

I would not want to bank on survival in the LA area without major fortifications at your urban kabbutz. So I'd increase your capital spend plan over next 2 years to include:
6 foot fencing with razor wire top and electrification option
Water purification system for long periods of isolation due to public unrest
Ditto for Electric generation -- large diesel generator and storage capacity -- careful diesel does not store well longer than 1 year.
Double Barrell shotgun
Hand Gun
Ammunition -- 1 year supply assuming all local sources depleted
Medical Supplies
Batteries for Cell Phones
Emergency Radio
A couple fierce dogs might also be good but they need to be feed so there are trade offs

All of this defensive posturing completely misses the point.  The point is not to build a compound isolated from my surrounding community, as if the neighbors and gang members that live here are somehow Other, and not interested in living comfortably as well.   

The point is building the Future.   The point is discovering at this very low level of a suburban corner HOW to live in accord with our natural foundations here, HOW to live unplugged from the industrial food chain, HOW to create local food security as we move beyond the oil dependent concept of Suburb.  It's not about "survival" at all, its about the Future.  

We all can't move to Oregon.   We all can't run to the hills.  That illusion I abused back in 2005. We need to stay where we are, and put our efforts into transforming our communities back into the heaven they were before oil and coal created this suburban consumer nightmare.   Localizing, permaculturing, and developing LOCAL light industry can create the thriving LOCAL economy that is true security.  

Beans over bullets. 

I can't eat bullets, you can't eat bullets, my neighbor can't eat bullets, and a gun makes for a very poor shovel.  My choice is to learn the skills I need to provide my requirements here on a little corner of Los Angeles.   If the imaginary raging hoardes of Angelinos suddenly appear on my doorstep to steal my solar panels, well, thats how it goes.   Maybe I can recruit them to help with the compost, or maybe I become one of the billions of people that this planet will shed over the next hundred years.  Either way, I am storing beans, not bullets.   

Peace and compost,

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